Organization committee

A programme to blaze new trails in open science  

This unique event in Switzerland is the result of collaboration between four prestigious academic institutions: EPFL, HEP Vaud, HES-SO and UNIL. But behind the institutions are some women and one man in particular, who have been working together for over a year to bring this project to fruition.


Dre Noémie Mazaré,
Open Science Officer

HEP Vaud

Mathilde Panes
Open Science Manager


Anne Charmillot
Collaboratrice spécialisée

Dre Constance Delamadeleine
Chargée de projet Open research data

Dre Isabelle Lucas
Cheffe de projet Open Science


Dre Micaela Crespo
Cheffe adjointe du Service de la recherche
et Responsable Open Access Unil

Maëlle Desard
communications and community manager

Gérard Bagnoud
Directeur du Service des ressources informationnelles et archives, Coordinateur Open Science

The committee would like to thank Carmen Jambé, head of ORD UNIRIS, Alexandre Camus from the ColLaboratoire UNIL and the EPFL library for their support in preparing the programme, as well as the communications teams from the four institutions.